Initiation And Greatness

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What Alternative Are You Building?

Please consider subscribing to our FREE Telegram, where we post exclusive content, free e-books and training information, updates, news from the front lines, special offers and more. If you enjoy this article, we’d appreciate if you shared it on any social media platforms you use, or with friends- our reach has been limited by the powers-that-be, […]

The Real Pandemic

Make sure to subscribe to our Telegram for free videos, programs, announcements, and special features that we’ll be rolling out over the next few months. Please share this link among your various platforms to help us defy censorship and deplatforming. The world is panicking, the stock market is tanking, and even the wealthy and […]

The Storm of Steel: Review

Make sure to subscribe to our Telegram for free videos, programs, announcements, and special features that we’ll be rolling out over the next few months. Please share this link among your various platforms to help us defy censorship and deplatforming.   No word is more overused today than “legendary.” Some new movie is “legendary.” […]

Cultural Sickness: Virtus Vs Virtue Signaling

The Academy Awards, which fewer people watch each year, was a disgusting spectacle. I can’t imagine watching it, but unfortunately, because of mass media, I had to hear about it. Millionaires who live in unimaginable luxury lectured others about equality. It’s another sign that we’re in a period of decadence, a time when existing institutions, […]


Defy their attempts to silence us. Make sure to subscribe to our Telegram and share this link among your various platforms.   Arma virumque cano – “Of arms and the man I sing” The Aeneid From the beginning of the universe to the time you were born, everything had to happen exactly as it […]

Conquerors Don’t Apologize

Not long ago, Mongolia erected a massive monument to Genghis Khan. It is the largest equestrian statue in the world. The greatest conqueror in world history glares out from atop his horse, looking east, towards his supposed birthplace. He is supported by 36 pillars, representing other Khans. The monument is surrounded by yurts and exhibits […]

Aesthetic Justification

Culture comes from the cult, and unfortunately, we live under a cult of ugliness. “Art once made a cult of beauty,” said the late Roger Scruton. “Now we have a cult of ugliness instead. This has made art into an elaborate joke, one which by now has ceased to be funny.” We all know modern […]

Our “Support Group” Is Strength

Not long ago, if you were a “normal” man, there were certain things you could take for granted. You would get married and have children. You would enjoy the support of friends, family, church, and community. You would have a social role. You knew what standards you were expected to uphold. You would be taught […]

Culture Versus Commodities

A few months ago, Dan Carlin did a “Hardcore History” podcast on “The Celtic Holocaust” and Julius Caesar’s conquest of Gaul. He observed that the Gauls weren’t just fighting for their families and property, but for the very existence of their culture. Defeat meant utter extirpation. Everything was on the line. In passing, Carlin said […]